Hampton Beach

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ever had to wait for your energy to wake up?

This morning I was waiting for my energy to wake up. It finally did around 11 am for about one hour which allowed me to almost completely clean the bathroom even behind the vanity. Then I crashed and napped for 2 ½ hours.
My new diet does not consist of coffee so that was out this morning. The plain chicken and rice in broth that I had didn’t taste half bad for breakfast. Thankfully, I only have to do the chicken and rice for 3 days and if I am feeling well I can add another food to my diet. The choices would be pears or green beans. That will be a tough one. Not sure but I think the pears will win out.
It was a fairly productive day. The bathroom was eventually finished and I started on the bedroom. Then there were lots of paperwork for my disability insurance. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow. The amount of paperwork they give you is ridiculous and most of it is redundant. My only hope is that they will find some help for my colitis because I hate staying home.
That being said I will continue with the paper work, housework and learn to deal with this “parasite” sort of disease that I have. Hoping that in a few days my energy will come back to play.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bucket List 2011?

Thinking about New Year Resolutions reminded me of a bucket list. All the bucket lists I have heard of and researched seem to pertain to life time goals. This is a new year so why not have a bucket list for 2011?

The magic number seems to be 10 items to list on the bucket list. So I decided to list 10 things I would like to accomplish during the year 2011.

Item # 10 is left blank. I have some more thought to do on what that will be.

In any case, here is my list not in any particular order and may at any time change. I will journal every one of them. What is on your bucket list for 2011?

1) Volunteer to a new organization – maybe something hospice

2) Learn to paint

3) Camp in a remote location way in the woods

4) Travel to Ontario, Canada

5) Learn to drive a tractor

6) Redecorate living room

7) Organize and de-clutter my things

8) Learn to ride a motorcycle

9) Ladybug tattoo

10) To be determined. :)

Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and happy 2011.

