Hampton Beach

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Awesome Valentine's Day on a budget! :)

We are on a tight budget because I have been without a job for over a year but we never really did Valentines on a large scale. I always told hubby to please do not buy me flowers or anything on Valentines. I don't know about every where in the country but here our roses double in price. So here was our Valentines day.

Homemade French toast with hearts cut out, 1/2 pear and sausages.
Massage at home
Lunch at a local restaurant where we had a cup of soup and shared 1/2 sandwich.
Going to a local pet store to get Scout his rabies shot for $5.00
Made Scout and Teller Liver and Oatmeal Brownies - Easy and piece of cake
Dinner I made hubby Wilted spinach and mushroom salad, with prosciutto, carmelized scallops, and topped with shrimp.
Finally, end of the day glass of wine and watched a movie from NetFlix.

Now that was awesome and we did not have to spend lots of money.

How was your Valentines?
Happy Valentines everyone.


  1. Sounds like you had a perfect Valentine's Day Kay :)♥

  2. Hi Kay~ I just tagged you in one of my blogs:
